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7 min read
Christianity: It’s Not What You Think It Is
Contrary to Chesterton's infamous quote, the Christian ideal HAS been tried & found wanting. Because Christianity as we know it is missing..
3 min read
What Does "Spiritual Maturity" Look Like? Manifesto Part 2
What does 'spiritual maturity' look like? Without a clear vision of what is actually possible, we cannot set our course towards the target..
5 min read
Foundations of Kingdom Living ~ Manifesto Part 1
A simple overview of the abundant Kingdom Life (John 10:10) that is available to us now, through Jesus, with God, all day every day...
6 min read
Knowledge of Christ in the Spiritual Life (KCT 6)
To know Christ is to live interactively with him right where you are in your daily activities. This is the spiritual life in Christ....
4 min read
Knowledge, Belief, Commitment…Defined. Why It Matters. Knowing Christ Today (KCT 1)
“A life of steadfast discipleship to Jesus can be supported only upon assured knowledge of how things are, of the realities in terms of...
9 min read
Book Review & Highlights: "Hearing God"
Why and how we listen to God, living in conversational relationship with him, is just a small part of what I discovered in "Hearing God"...
9 min read
The Good News I've Discovered
Over the last couple of years, I’ve experienced what I can only describe as a spiritual awakening. I have believed in God, accepted Jesus...
6 min read
What & How of Discipleship
Discipleship. A big word with a lot of ambiguity and misconceptions, leading to a crisis of hope and transformation in the Church today. How
4 min read
Kingdom Priorities
Can we focus our walk with Jesus, and living daily in his Kingdom, into these three simple priorities?
2 min read
What is Faith?
There are many reasons this word needs defined, and for now, I don't think I need to explain them. Once you understand this definition, I...
3 min read
Stop Trying
Trying so hard to keep your head above water? Stop trying! ...A few thoughts on our purpose and how we'll never succeed if we don't find it
6 min read
The Transformation Triangle
We have hope and freedom of actual transformation to be more like Christ....but HOW? Yes, there is a how. With rare exception it doesn't
5 min read
My Hope is in Jesus. WHY?
Our world today is experiencing a crisis of hope. I don’t think anybody could argue that. What might be arguable, or, rather, shocking,...
3 min read
Jesus' Return, Part 2: Will You KNOW Him?
How should we live until Jesus returns? The short version: by living in step with Jesus throughout your day, every day. Here's why. It...
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