Study Resources
If you'd like to dive deeper, here are the books and teachings I've studied and love to recommend.
by Dallas Willard
Beyond Belief - The best overview of Dallas's core concepts and one of my favorite video teaching series. Indeed, this life can be beyond belief -in a fantastic way!
Life Without Lack
The Divine Conspiracy
Hearing God
Watch Dallas teach this and follow along with notes: on YouTube here. ​
Spirit of the Disciplines
The Great Omission
Renovation of the Heart
Living in Christ's Presence Now
The Allure of Gentleness
Renewing the Christian Mind (excellent overview with various essays & interviews)
Preparing for Heaven: What Dallas Willard Taught Me About Living, Dying, and Eternal Life (by Gary Black)
Also see Dallas Willard Ministries' YouTube channel for excellent video clips and recordings of Willard's teaching, including some of my favorites:​
From Forgiveness to Blessing - the best teaching I have ever heard on forgiveness. Incredibly helpful.​
Beyond Belief (as noted above)
Hearing God (as noted above)
A couple of my favorite philosophy teachings: The Genius of Jesus and What Does it Mean to be Human?
The Renovare teaching series: Dallas teaches a comprehensive one-week course with a deeper dive into his key themes.
Other Favorites
the Bible: in the Passion Translation, and/or The Life With God Study Bible
Victory Over the Darkness, by Neil Anderson
Eternity is Now in Session, by Jon Ortbeg
The Good and Beautiful God; The Good and Beautiful Life, by James Bryan Smith
Practicing His Presence, by Brother Lawrence & Frank Laubach
Celebration of Discipline, by Richard Foster
Forgotten God, by Frances Chan
Invitation to the Jesus Life, by Jan Johnson
Pursuit of God, by A.W. Tozer
The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis
Heaven, by Randy Alcorn
Loving Your Kids on Purpose, by Danny Silk
Eyes to See and Ears to Hear, by Jennifer Toledo
Out of the 4th Place, by Matt Broweleit
by John Eldredge
Walking with God
Beautiful Outlaw
Free to Live
Get Your Life Back
All Things New
Waking the Dead
Moving Mountains
Wild at Heart Podcasts
Spiritual Warfare series
The World
Union with God
Hoping in the Coming Kingdom