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7 min read
Christianity: It’s Not What You Think It Is
Contrary to Chesterton's infamous quote, the Christian ideal HAS been tried & found wanting. Because Christianity as we know it is missing..
5 min read
Foundations of Kingdom Living ~ Manifesto Part 1
A simple overview of the abundant Kingdom Life (John 10:10) that is available to us now, through Jesus, with God, all day every day...
5 min read
Pastors as Teachers of the Nations (KCT 8)
There is nothing more important on earth than to dwell in the knowledge of Christ and to bring that knowledge to others...
5 min read
We Perish for Lack of Knowledge (KCT 2)
Lack of knowledge is the cause of great harm to human life....We constantly see individuals suffer because of what they don’t know, or...
9 min read
Book Review & Highlights: "Hearing God"
Why and how we listen to God, living in conversational relationship with him, is just a small part of what I discovered in "Hearing God"...
4 min read
Who Are You Really?
Growing up I was very shy. I still remember once in third grade, I didn’t want to get a good grade on a project because I didn’t want to...
9 min read
The Good News I've Discovered
Over the last couple of years, I’ve experienced what I can only describe as a spiritual awakening. I have believed in God, accepted Jesus...
4 min read
What the Life of a Jesus-Apprentice Looks Like
I preface this post with a very strong disclaimer. As you read this, you must understand that the following attributes of an apprentice of J
4 min read
Kingdom Priorities
Can we focus our walk with Jesus, and living daily in his Kingdom, into these three simple priorities?
3 min read
Stop Trying
Trying so hard to keep your head above water? Stop trying! ...A few thoughts on our purpose and how we'll never succeed if we don't find it
2 min read
What is Salvation?
It's probably not what you think, but has a huge impact on how we live our daily life. Unfortunately, today, the idea of salvation has been
5 min read
Enough with the Sin Talk Already
The church today is missing the mark in the gospel we teach. We’re supposed to bring hope…joy…peace. We could really be doing a better job.
5 min read
My Hope is in Jesus. WHY?
Our world today is experiencing a crisis of hope. I don’t think anybody could argue that. What might be arguable, or, rather, shocking,...
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